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Arkansas Teacher Salary

When it comes to teacher salaries, Arkansas presents a mixed picture. The state faces challenges in keeping compensation competitive while also grappling with the realities of the cost of living for its educators.

Average Teacher Salary

According to the National Education Association (NEA), the average teacher salary in Arkansas is $54,309. This figure ranks the state 45th in the nation, reflecting the lower end of the salary scale compared to other states. While this average salary is close to the national trend, it still leaves room for growth to make Arkansas more competitive in attracting and retaining educators.

Starting Salary for New Teachers

New teachers begin their careers earning an average of $37,907, placing the state 48th in the country for starting pay. For many recent graduates and new teachers, this starting point can be financially challenging, especially when considering the costs associated with establishing a career and supporting a family.

Cost of Living vs. Teacher Pay

One of the most striking comparisons is between teacher pay and the minimum living wage in the state. The Economic Policy Institute reports that a family consisting of one adult and one child in Arkansas needs $55,807 to maintain a modest but adequate standard of living. This figure is higher than both the average teacher salary and the starting salary.

Moving Forward

While Arkansas ranks low in teacher pay, these figures serve as a starting point for ongoing conversations about education funding and teacher support. Closing the gap between teacher salaries and the cost of living will be crucial to ensuring that teaching remains a sustainable and attractive career in the state.

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