Your Teaching
Career Starts Here
Get hired to teach in Texas with FULL
PAY in as little as eight weeks.

Teach in Texas Quickly and Affordably
Join the 30,000+ educators who've transformed their passion into a fulfilling career with iteach.
Apply, Train, Teach – start today!

It’s free to apply.
A bachelor’s degree, your official transcripts, and a 2.5 minimum GPA are required. View detailed admission requirements.

Study when it’s convenient for you.
Our online courses empower you to study from the comfort of your home on on the go.

Faster than you ever thought possible.
Our streamlined program is designed to get you into the classroom with full pay so you can make a difference.
Leave a lasting legacy. Teach.

Texas Teacher Certification Guide to Success!
Everything you need to know about alternative certification in Texas: Our free guide has it all - from the first step, to your first classroom.

How Much Does it Cost?
Start your teaching journey with low monthly payments of just $99! Once you are hired with your own classroom, we’ll automatically spread the remaining balance into easy, budget-friendly installments over 8-10 months. No stress, just focus on your success!
For Example:
You make your monthly payments, then you start your field experience, it may look something like this:
- Month 1 – $99
- Month 2 – $99
- Month 3 – $99
- Month 4 – $99
- Month 5 – Started Field Experience
Total Paid: $396
Remaining balance $4,553.
Once hired, you pay $455.30 for 10 months and then you are paid in full!
$0to Apply
$99to Enroll
$4,949 Total Cost
Our program provides so much value and includes instructional coaching, free test prep, and so much more!
For Example:
You make your monthly payments, then you start your field experience, it may look something like this:
- Month 1 – $99
- Month 2 – $99
- Month 3 – $99
- Month 4 – $99
- Month 5 – Started Field Experience
Remaining balance $4053.
Once hired, you pay $405.30 for 10 months and then you are paid in full!
Need more reasons to jump in?
We've got you covered! Enjoy free test prep, unlock amazing AI learning tools with Khanmigo Academy, and discover tons of other benefits that make us the right choice.
Frequently Asked Questions
You may apply at any time; iteach enrolls students on a continual basis.
No. No matter what bachelor’s degree you have, it’s your subject matter expertise, combined with your successful completion of our program, that makes you eligible to teach. We’ll teach you what you need to know and do in order to be a successful teacher yourself.
iteach determines the subject (content area) you are eligible to teach when we review your application. You qualify to teach a content area if you meet one of these criteria:
- Have an undergraduate or graduate degree in a content area you would like to teach, OR
- You provide college transcripts showing you have taken at least 15 hours of courses in English, Math, Science or Social Studies (to teach grades 4-8 in those subjects), OR
- You provide transcripts showing you have taken at least 12 hours of English, Math, Science and Social Studies (to teach EC-6 CORE, 4-8 CORE or EC-12 Special Education)
Yes, if you would like to teach in a content area outside of what was identified, you must submit a request to iteach to take a TExES content exam in your desired content area and successfully pass your exam.
No, iteach is not an institution of higher education. Therefore, the program does not qualify for financial aid.
You can complete all program-required instructional coursework within as little as three months. The entire iteach program, including your teaching residency, is designed to be completed within one school year. However, you have two full school years to find a teaching position as long as you are enrolled in the iteach program. Once hired, you must complete all program requirements during your two-semester field experience.
Meet Diana:
From Accountant to Passionate Teacher
Diana spent years as an accountant, but something was missing. She always felt a calling to make a deeper impact, to inspire and guide the next generation. That's when she discovered iteach, an online certification program that made her dream of becoming a teacher a reality.
With the flexibility and comprehensive support of iteach, Diana transitioned from her desk job to a vibrant classroom, where she now inspires her students every day.
What iTeach Program Graduates Have to Say

Our ISD Partners
iteach is preferred certification provider for the following divisions:

Launch Your Teaching Career!
iteach Program Graduates in Texas are 6x more likely to be hired compared to our largest competitor. Source: Texas Education Agency

Texas Principal Certification
Principals play a critical role in setting a positive tone for their schools. It’s your opportunity to impact students on a much broader scale and to make a difference in public education. iteach is a state-approved route to earning a Texas Principal Certificate.
Texas allows experienced teachers who have a master’s degree to pursue principal certification.