Your Teaching
Career Starts Here
Get certified to teach in Nebraska with FULL
PAY in as little as eight weeks.

Teach in Nebraska Quickly and Affordably
Join the 30,000+ educators who've transformed their passion into a fulfilling career with iteach.
Apply, Train, Teach – start today!

It’s free to apply. A bachelor’s degree and your official transcripts are required. View detailed admission requirements.

Study when it’s convenient for you.
Our online courses empower you to study from the comfort of your home on on the go.

Faster than you ever thought possible.
Our streamlined program is designed to get you into the classroom with full pay so you can make a difference.
Leave a lasting legacy. Teach.

Nebraska Teacher Certification Guide to Success!
Everything you need to know about alternative certification in Nebraska: Our free guide has it all - from the first step, to your first classroom.

How Much Does it Cost?
$0to Apply
$250to Enroll
$3,050 Total Cost
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Frequently Asked Questions
You may apply at any time; iteach enrolls students on a continual basis.
No matter what bachelor’s degree you have, it’s your subject matter expertise, combined with your successful completion of our program, that makes you eligible for a Nebraska Alternative Certificate. We’ll teach you what you need to know and do in order to be a successful teacher yourself.
You must pass the Praxis Subject Test that corresponds to the subject and grade level you want to teach. For more information, see the Nebraska Required Tests webpage on the ETS website.
No, iteach does not participate in federal or state financial aid programs, so you cannot use financial aid, grants or loans provided by these programs to pay your Program Fees. However, iteach keeps costs low and offers payment plans to ease the financial burden of becoming a teacher.
The iteach program is self-paced. You can complete all program-required instructional coursework and testing within several months. Once you enroll, you have a maximum of two years to complete program requirements.
The Nebraska Alternative Certificate is a renewable certificate, valid for teaching in all Nebraska schools. The Alternative Certificate only authorizes an individual to teach the subject and educational levels for which you have successfully completed an alternative program. Please note, an Alternative Certificate will not lead to a full initial or standard teaching certificate. In order to be eligible for a regular teaching certificate, you will need to go through one of Nebraska’s Alternative Pathways.
You’ll need to complete the following courses:*
- TCNE 5000 The Road to Certification – An Overview of Teaching
- TCNE 5100 Learning Environments
- TCNE 5200 Learner Development
- TCNE 5300 Planning for Instruction and Assessment
- TCNE 5400 Literacy, 21st Century Instruction, Pedagogical Content
Knowledge - TCNE 5500 Learner Differences and Adaptations for Students with Disabilities
*Courses subject to change. Please login to your account for the most up to date information.
Meet Diana:
From Accountant to Passionate Teacher
Diana spent years as an accountant, but something was missing. She always felt a calling to make a deeper impact, to inspire and guide the next generation. That's when she discovered iteach, an online certification program that made her dream of becoming a teacher a reality.
With the flexibility and comprehensive support of iteach, Diana transitioned from her desk job to a vibrant classroom, where she now inspires her students every day.
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