iteach Insights & Inspiration

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Woman sitting on her bed meditating and doing a morning routine
Power Series

The Power of Focusing on What Matters and Building Daily…

The Power of Focusing on What Matters and Building Daily Habits The other day I found myself…
Portrait of a mature African American woman smiling contently while sitting at her kitchen table in the morning
Power Series

The Power of Letting Go

What or Who is Holding You Back? Have you ever been in a place where you said, "If only..."? I…
Portrait of a Serious Mature Black Man
Power Series

The Power of Understanding

Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood Seek first to understand... this is the 5th habit…
African American woman working hard at a computer

The Power of Persistence

Persistence Learned From Squirrels I'm a big fan of Seth Godin. As a marketing guru he churns out…
Older Woman Skydiving

The Power of Experience

Experience is the Best Teacher I remember sitting in Psychology 101 and listening to my teacher…

The Power of Taking Responsibility

When a team takes ownership of its problems, the problems get solved "War is hell, but war is…
Service Area A: Teacher Recruitment and Retention

Forecasting and Planning

Recruitment Campaigns

Licensure Programs for Paras and Subs

Access to our New Teachers Pipeline

Career Pathing Solutions

Skill Development Solutions


Service Area B: Professional Development 

Video Coaching and Self-Reflection 

Professional Development Courses 

New Teacher Programs 

Teacher Institutes 

Video Library Subscriptions 


Service Area C: Student Learning Acceleration 

Audits, Analysis and Solution Planning 

RISE Summer School Program 

Supplemental Curricula 

Teacher Coaching 

Institute Courses for Teachers 


Service Area D: Continuing Education 

Graduate-Level 1-3-Credit Courses 

Learning Pathways and Certificates 

Master’s Degree Programs 

Doctorate Degree Programs 


Service Area E: Leadership Solutions 

Strategic Planning 

Equity Consulting 

Leadership Coaching 

Custom PackagesÂ