
About this Course

ITAZ 6006: The Science of Reading – Arizona

Course Format

This is an asynchronous online course. Your progression is self-paced and there will be no face-to-face meetings. Throughout the course, you will have access to content written by highly experienced subject-matter experts. Formative checks for understanding and auto-graded quizzes provide immediate feedback on your progress. Assignments grades are aligned to published rubrics and include comments by your instructor who provides constructive feedback on your submissions within 2-4 business days. This course is housed in Canvas, a web-based learning platform.

Course Sequence Overview

The purpose of ITAZ 6006: Science of Reading – Arizona literacy course is to develop pre-service, early-service, and continuing teachers’ understanding of the research-based instructional practices used to teach reading and writing in the classroom. The science of teaching reading is incorporated to include emerging evidence regarding what matters and what works for literacy instruction. The course topic sequence is:

  • Introduction to the Science of Reading as Systematic and Explicit Instruction
  • Structured literacy
  • Multi-sensory/Multi-Modal Instruction
  • Phonological and Phonemic Awareness
  • Phonics, Word Study, and Spelling
  • Fluency
  • Vocabulary
  • Comprehension
  • Writing and Grammar
  • Assessment

This course is approved by the Arizona Department of Education to satisfy the required Arizona Literacy K-5 Literacy Endorsement. 

Teacher talking to a student in the hallway.
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