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iteach now
partners with
Khan Academy
on Khanmigo

Your Personal AI Collaborator

iteach is excited to partner with Khan Academy to provide Khanmigo’s highest-level subscription for all iteach program participants. Khanmigo is your personal AI collaborator created by teachers for teachers. It’s now integrated directly into iteach’s coursework.

Read the press release.

What is Khanmigo
 by Khan Academy? 

  • Use as a Socratic-style tutor for students, it never gives the answer directly
  • Re-learn concepts you haven’t taught in years with personalized tutoring
  • Create standards-aligned lesson plans catered to your teaching style
  • Use for rubrics, differentiation, class newsletters, and more

Khanmigo is designed to make teaching smarter and faster, so you can spend more time focused on
student engagement. 

  • Save time on grading, lesson planning, and other paperwork, so you can do what you do best: teach
  • Create lesson plans, lesson hooks, activities, exit tickets, IEPs, and more

How do iteach and

Khanmigo work together? 

  • Learn how to use AI ethically and effectively in your classroom
  • Toggle between student and teacher mode
  • Collaborate with Khanmigo on your iteach coursework

iteach is thrilled to integrate Khanmigo into our educator preparation program, enhancing the learning experience with cutting-edge AI technology.

How does Khanmigo work
with iteach’s coursework?

You can use Khanmigo to help with your assignments. For example:
  • In course 5100, you will write a class welcome letter: Khanmigo can help with that
  • In course 5300, you will write a lesson plan: Khanmigo can help with that
  • In course 5500, you will share examples of differentiation: Khanmigo can help with that

Frequently Asked Questions

Login to iteach. On the right hand side under Resources, click Khanmigo. This click is essential. It officially connects you with your unique Khanmigo link. Follow the steps entering yourself as a Teacher. If you already have a free account, go ahead and login (see video here
). Khanacademy will upgrade your existing account. If you do not, click Create a Free Account (see video here

It is important to follow these steps to ensure you get access to the Enterprise Subscription to Khanmigo:

  1. Navigate to your InstructNet dashboard and select Khanmigo on the right side of your screen under Resources.
  2. Log into your Khan Academy account if you have one, and if you do not click the button to create a Khan Academy account.
  3. If you’re asked to, check all the prompted checkboxes, and click the “Enable Khanmigo” button. If not, no worries.
  4. Click on your nickname in the top right corner of your screen, and select “Settings.”
  5. Scroll down past Roles to Teacher Confirmation and select “Yes. I am a teacher…” (not a coach) then click on “Save changes”. Click Khanmigo located in the header, and select the “Teacher Tools” option.
  6. Refresh the page.
  7. Check the Khanmigo Teacher Tools page under the “Learn” section. If you see “Chat with GPT-4” you have successfully activated your Khanmigo account. If you do not see this please email for help getting connected with your unique link manually.

You may need to confirm you are a teacher. Complete these steps: Login to KhanAcademy, Click your name in the upper right. Click Settings. Scroll down past Roles and Confirm you are a Teacher. The default is Coach, which will not give you ChatGPT. Confirm you are a teacher is necessary to accept the terms and conditions therein. Be sure to Save changes.

Check the Khanmigo Teacher Tools page under the “Learn” section. If you see “Chat with GPT-4” you have successfully activated your Khanmigo account. If you do not see this be sure your settings are correct (see above). If these steps do not yield success, please email to help get this feature activated.

Try doing this on a different device and/or browser. Sometimes, there is a school filter or firewall that gets in the way of connecting. If you have tried that to no avail, then Email We will manually help you connect to your unique link.

Khan Academy addresses the hallucination rate (inaccuracies) of AI tools like Khanmigo through several strategies. These include rigorous testing known as red teaming with OpenAI to identify and correct biases and inaccuracies, and using specific, research-based instructional prompts to guide the AI in producing high-quality outputs. For precise mathematical answers, supplementary tools like calculators are employed. The AI also draws from Khan Academy’s verified human-generated content to enhance accuracy. Additionally, teachers provide ongoing feedback to continually improve the AI’s performance. Khanmigo serves as an assistant, with teachers reviewing and adjusting AI-generated content to ensure it meets educational standards.
Potential biases in the training data for Khanmigo, Khan Academy’s AI tool, include inaccuracies and systemic biases inherent in large language models. To overcome these, Khan Academy employs several strategies. First, they conduct rigorous testing known as red teaming with OpenAI, where they intentionally induce biases to identify and correct them. They also use specific instructional prompts to guide the AI in producing unbiased, high-quality outputs. Additionally, the AI links to Khan Academy’s extensive library of verified human-generated content, ensuring accuracy. By continuously refining the AI based on teacher feedback and using supplementary tools for precise tasks like math calculations, Khan Academy significantly mitigates potential biases in Khanmigo’s responses.
Yes, Khanmigo can draft in basic Spanish as well as other languages like Portuguese. It can help with tasks such as writing lesson plans or newsletters in Spanish. However, while it can provide useful drafts, it’s recommended that users review and edit the outputs to ensure accuracy and appropriateness for their specific needs.
Lessons and documents created in Khanmigo can be downloaded, printed, or uploaded to Google Drive to share with fellow teachers. Direct sharing within the Khan Academy platform is not available.
iteach candidates who have finished their residency have access to Khanmigo and other perks for two years from the start of their account.
Khanmigo offers specific functionalities to assist SPED teachers, including an IEP Writing Assistant that aides in drafting Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) and a text leveler that simplifies language for struggling readers.
While specific time savings are hard to measure because it is dependent on the person, the integration of Khanmigo into coursework aims to streamline tasks like lesson planning and resource creation, potentially saving significant time.
The Khan Academy account you create to access Khanmigo is your personal Khan Academy account and you will have this account even after you complete the iteach program. The Khanmigo Enterprise specific benefits that you are receiving, (ChatGPT and the Teacher/Student view toggle) as a iteach teacher candidate will expire two years from the time you activate Khanmigo through your iteach teacher candidate unique invitation link. Please note you will still be able to access and use Khanmigo Teacher Tools for free on your Khan Academy account after your two year period with Khanmigo through iteach has completed.
Yes! When prompted to include ELPS in lesson plans and other products, Khanmigo is able to do that.

Yes, there are resources available to introduce students to Khanmigo. Khan Academy provides a page on artificial intelligence in education within their courses, which includes videos, explanations of AI, and its uses and risks. Additionally, Khan Academy offers a TED Talk by Sal Khan and professional-quality videos about Khanmigo’s tools. These resources are designed to help both teachers and students understand and effectively use Khanmigo.

Yes, iteach Staff, Instructors, Supervisors, and Coaches are provided a unique link to an Enterprise subscription.
Incorporating AI components could potentially decrease course load, since Khanmigo can be used as a teaching assistant streamlining tasks. Using Khanmigo, although encouraged, is optional.
The enterprise subscription is available to iteach Enrolled and Hired candidates for two years after activation. If the subscription is not activated before completing the program, the Enterprise subscription is not available. However, the Khanmigo Free version certainly is.

Watch the Town Hall meeting between iteach and Khan Academy to learn more about our partnership.

  • Discover what this partnership means for new teachers
  • See how Khanmigo is integrated in iteach’s coursework
  • Hear from Kristen DiCerbo, Khan Academy’s Chief Learning Officer about the power of Khanmigo
Service Area A: Teacher Recruitment and Retention

Forecasting and Planning

Recruitment Campaigns

Licensure Programs for Paras and Subs

Access to our New Teachers Pipeline

Career Pathing Solutions

Skill Development Solutions


Service Area B: Professional Development 

Video Coaching and Self-Reflection 

Professional Development Courses 

New Teacher Programs 

Teacher Institutes 

Video Library Subscriptions 


Service Area C: Student Learning Acceleration 

Audits, Analysis and Solution Planning 

RISE Summer School Program 

Supplemental Curricula 

Teacher Coaching 

Institute Courses for Teachers 


Service Area D: Continuing Education 

Graduate-Level 1-3-Credit Courses 

Learning Pathways and Certificates 

Master’s Degree Programs 

Doctorate Degree Programs 


Service Area E: Leadership Solutions 

Strategic Planning 

Equity Consulting 

Leadership Coaching 

Custom Packages