Our Teachers
Let iteach help you fill your vacancies
with high quality teachers.

Hire smart. Hire efficiently. Hire quality.

iteach has successfully filled the teacher pipeline with over 20,000 education professionals who are thriving and succeeding in the classroom. The quality of iteach’s alternative certification program is as vital to us as opening the doorways for more people to become teachers. We will not compromise on that. Ever.
The result? iteach is the first non-college provider accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). CAEP is the highest seal of approval that assures quality in educator preparation.
In addition, over 90% of our teachers are retained for a minimum of three years, and we have a 100% pedagogy exam pass rate.
Become one of our over 1,500 district partners nationwide.
Ways to Work With Us
Get a List of Qualified, Ready-to-Hire Candidates in Your Area
Grow Your Own
We can support paraprofessionals, substitutes and teacher aides already working in your district who want to become licensed teachers.
Help Provisional Teachers Obtain their License
We have partnered with states to provide a more affordable and efficient alternative for provisional teachers to obtain their licenses.