State Disclosures –
Conflict Resolution Policy

Conflict Resolution Policy – iteachUS

iteachUS continually strives to provide the best service possible. If you have any complaint regarding the iteachUS program, please submit your concerns in writing within 10 working days of the occurrence to:

Zach Rozell or
Zach Rozell
PO BOX 1626
Denton TX 76202

In an effort to resolve any issues, the program complaint policy must be the first course of action taken.  Prior to filing or posting a complaint via a different entity, website, or publication, the candidate must first comply with the program complaint policy.  No other party can used.

The written complaint must clearly state the facts that are the subject of the complaint. In your correspondence, please provide your current role (candidate, principal, etc.).  Also citation of State Administrative Code, State Education Code or the Letter of Agreement violation must be included in the complaint.

The candidate’s concerns are shared with other members of the management team. A member of the management team will then visit with the candidate’s instructor, field supervisor and campus administrator, if applicable, and the candidate to gather all the facts related to the complaint.  The candidate’s entire file will be provided to the Review Committee for review.

Service Area A: Teacher Recruitment and Retention

Forecasting and Planning

Recruitment Campaigns

Licensure Programs for Paras and Subs

Access to our New Teachers Pipeline

Career Pathing Solutions

Skill Development Solutions


Service Area B: Professional Development 

Video Coaching and Self-Reflection 

Professional Development Courses 

New Teacher Programs 

Teacher Institutes 

Video Library Subscriptions 


Service Area C: Student Learning Acceleration 

Audits, Analysis and Solution Planning 

RISE Summer School Program 

Supplemental Curricula 

Teacher Coaching 

Institute Courses for Teachers 


Service Area D: Continuing Education 

Graduate-Level 1-3-Credit Courses 

Learning Pathways and Certificates 

Master’s Degree Programs 

Doctorate Degree Programs 


Service Area E: Leadership Solutions 

Strategic Planning 

Equity Consulting 

Leadership Coaching 

Custom Packages