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iteach Teacher of the Month Terri McAdams

iteach’s June 2024 Teacher of the Month

Terri McAdams is a dedicated educator currently shaping young minds at Red Bluff Elementary in Pasadena, Texas. Teaching a 4th grade self-contained class, Terri’s journey into education is both unique and inspiring.

For over 25 years, Terri has been deeply involved in teaching at church, directing Vacation Bible School (VBS), and volunteering extensively in her children’s schools and various booster clubs. “I was very active with my own kids, being PTO president, Band Booster VP and President, Volleyball Booster Club President, so I was in and around volunteering at my kids’ schools since they started,” she explains. However, in 2021, she found herself at a crossroads. At 53, with a career in interior landscaping and a degree in Horticulture from Texas A&M, she felt the need for a change.

A conversation with a friend at church sparked the idea of becoming a teacher. “After much deliberation with God, family, and friends, I began to start the process of looking into what was necessary, and the pieces just fell into place for me,” Terri recalls. She highlights her positive, cheerful, and upbeat nature as key qualities she brings to the classroom. “There are so many children out there who don’t have the best support system at home, and I can show them how positivity, someone believing in you and encouraging you along the way can help students feel valued.”

Terri’s favorite part of teaching is the meaningful connections she makes with her students. “The absolute best thing about being a teacher is how the connections you make are literally impacting their lives, and I’m humbled to be a small part of their educational journey,” she says. Now in her second year, Terri finds joy in the small traditions she has started, like asking her students for autographs at the beginning of the year. “I tell them all to give me their autograph because I know they’re going to all be famous one day, and I want to have proof I was in their lives. They loved this.”

One of Terri’s most engaging lessons involved combining her love for sports with a math lesson on measurement. “When we were studying measurement in math, they all designed their own paper airplane, and we took them outside at recess to see whose flew the farthest. We measured them in feet and inches, talked conversions to yards, and compared it to 10 yards for a first down in football. I’m a humongous sports fan!”

Terri’s achievements in education have not gone unnoticed. She proudly shares, “In 2022-23, I was named Fairmont Elementary Paraprofessional of the Year in Deer Park ISD, and in 2023-2024, I was New Teacher of the Year for Red Bluff Elementary and also for the entire Pasadena Independent School District, in Pasadena, Texas.” This recognition was a delightful surprise for Terri, who humbly remarks, “It was crazy, surprising, and overwhelming for me! I’m still in shock about that!”

Terri McAdams exemplifies the dedication and passion that make a truly great teacher. Her journey from the business world to the classroom is a testament to her resilience and commitment to making a positive impact on her students’ lives. We are honored to celebrate Terri as iteach’s Teacher of the Month.

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